Council - Wednesday 19 July 2023, 2:00pm - Salford City Council Webcasting
Wednesday 19 July 2023 at 2:00pm
Agenda item :
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Cllr G Reynolds
Agenda item :
1 Any announcements or special business (including the submission of any urgent business) introduced by the Chair.
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies for absence
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Agenda item :
3 Declaration of Interests
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Agenda item :
4 Honorary Freeman of the City of Salford - Mr John Cooper Clarke
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Cllr T Kelly
Cllr G Reynolds
Cllr P Cusack
Cllr J Warmisham
Cllr J Warmisham
Cllr G Reynolds
Tom Stannard
Cllr G Reynolds
Webcast Finished