Council - Wednesday 20 November 2024, 9:30am - Salford City Council Webcasting
Wednesday 20 November 2024 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Ceremonial Mayor
Ceremonial Mayor
Ceremonial Mayor
Ceremonial Mayor
Ceremonial Mayor
Ceremonial Mayor
Ceremonial Mayor
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
1 Any announcements or special business (including the submission of any urgent business) introduced by the Chair.
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Agenda item :
2 Apologies for absence
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Agenda item :
3 Declaration of Interests
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Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr B Bentham
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
4 Minutes of meeting held on 18th September 2024
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Agenda item :
5 Business Remaining from meeting held on 18th September 2024 - Notices of Motion
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Agenda item :
5 a) Expansion of Local Warm Spaces in Salford
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Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Saunders
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr R Garrido
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr B Clarke
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
P Dennett
Cllr T Burch
P Dennett
Cllr T Burch
Cllr P Heilbron
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Ceremonial Mayor
P Dennett
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr A Saunders
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Agenda item :
5 b) Retention of the Single Person Discount to Council Tax
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Cllr T Burch
Cllr B Clarke
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr J Merry CBE
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J Merry CBE
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J Merry CBE
Cllr J Moore
Cllr T Burch
P Dennett
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr B Hinds
Ceremonial Mayor
G James
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr B Hinds
Cllr T Burch
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Saunders
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Saunders
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J Merry CBE
Cllr T Burch
Cllr M Pevitt
Cllr T Burch
Cllr B Clarke
Cllr T Burch
Cllr B Clarke
C Parkinson
Cllr T Burch
Cllr B Clarke
Cllr T Kelly
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr B Clarke
Cllr A Kealey
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Kealey
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J Mullen
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J Mullen
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J Mullen
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J Mullen
Cllr T Burch
Cllr T Burch
Cllr T Burch
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
6 Receipt of Petitions/Communications
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Cllr J Mullen
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
7 Urgent Key Decisions
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Ceremonial Mayor
G James
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Walters
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
P Dennett
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr J Mullen
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
8 Eccles Ward By- Election 31st October 2024 - Result
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Tom Stannard
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr J Moore
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr R Garrido
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr S Dickman
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Leitner
Cllr T Burch
Cllr L Turner
Cllr A Saunders
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J Cammell
Cllr T Burch
Cllr L Muir
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
9 Audit and Accounts Committee - Appointment of Independent Member
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G James
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr A Kealey
Cllr T Burch
Cllr M Barnes
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr L Turner
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Kealey
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Kealey
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Saunders
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
10 Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Northern Care Alliance
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G James
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
C Parkinson
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
C Parkinson
Cllr T Burch
C Parkinson
Cllr T Burch
C Parkinson
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr J Merry CBE
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr P Heilbron
Cllr T Burch
Cllr P Heilbron
Cllr T Burch
Cllr P Heilbron
Cllr T Burch
Cllr P Heilbron
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Walters
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Walters
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr A Saunders
Cllr M Barnes
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr A Saunders
Ceremonial Mayor
C Parkinson
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
P Dennett
Cllr T Burch
Cllr P Cusack
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Walters
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Walters
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr P Cusack
Cllr T Burch
C Parkinson
Cllr T Burch
C Parkinson
Cllr T Burch
C Parkinson
P Dennett
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr S Bellamy
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr L Turner
Cllr T Burch
Cllr L Turner
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Walters
Cllr T Burch
C Parkinson
Cllr P Cusack
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
11 Treasury Management 2024/25: Mid- Year Update
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Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Kelly
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Saunders
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
12 Code of Corporate Governance - Recommendation of Audit and Accounts Committee
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Cllr A Kealey
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr A Saunders
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
13 Salford City Council Constitution - Amendments to Council Procedure Rules
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Ceremonial Mayor
G James
Cllr T Burch
G James
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J Merry CBE
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Walters
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr A Saunders
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
G James
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
14 Presentation of Long Service Award to Councillor John Mullen
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Ceremonial Mayor
Public 1
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
15 Statement of the Elected City Mayor (20 minutes)
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P Dennett
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Cllr R Garrido
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr A Saunders
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Saunders
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J King
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J King
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr A Kealey
Cllr T Burch
Cllr P Heilbron
Cllr T Burch
Cllr P Heilbron
Cllr J Brooks
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr B Bentham
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Cllr J Fahy
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr B Keville
Cllr T Burch
Cllr B Keville
Cllr A Walters
Cllr T Burch
Cllr T Kelly
Cllr T Burch
Ceremonial Mayor
P Dennett
Agenda item :
16 General Questions or Comments to the City Mayor and Cabinet Members on the discharge of responsibilities within their portfolios
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Ceremonial Mayor
Cllr T Burch
Agenda item :
19 Scheduled Reports from Board Members
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Ceremonial Mayor
Webcast Finished
- 04 Minutes 18 September 2024, opens in new tab
- 08 Urgent Key Decisons, opens in new tab
- 09 Eccles By-Election Result 311024, opens in new tab
- 09 Audit & Accounts Cttee - Independent Member, opens in new tab
- 10i JHOSC v2 October 2024, opens in new tab
- 10ii Appendix 1 - Terms of reference - NCA Joint Health Overview Scrutiny Committee, opens in new tab
- 11 Treasury Management Midyear Update 2024-25, opens in new tab
- 12i Code of Corporate Governance, opens in new tab
- 12ii Code of Corporate Governance document - September 2024, opens in new tab
- 13i Changes to Council Rules of Procedure, opens in new tab
- 13ii Appx A Council Procedure Rules adopted November 2023, opens in new tab
- 13iii Appx B Council Procedure Rules amended November 2024, opens in new tab
- 13v Appx C Constitution updates v.2 CAP further amends 10.11.24 (clean), opens in new tab
- 19ai Mcr Port Health Authority SDP Summary 2023-24, opens in new tab
- 19aii Mcr Port Health Authority Service Overview 2023-24, opens in new tab
- 19b CLES - Centre for Local Economic Strategies, opens in new tab
- 19c Mcr Uni - 2175 Financial Statements 2023, opens in new tab
- 19d SUCRC 2024, opens in new tab